Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The gift that keeps on giving

So now I have Henry's stomach flu. I also have a sore throat and a hacking cough.

The good news: Maura is in town and was coming to babysit today anyway, so I got some rest.

The bad news: This was supposed to be my first full day off in 10 months.

The really bad news: After a painstaking recovery process from Henry's own cold/stomach flu, this morning he was weepy and cuddly all over again. When, at 9:30 am, he said he wanted a nap, I knew things weren't going well.

Dr. Vo fit us in at noon today. Henry has ear infections in both ears. Poor man!

So now I am relieved that he's got antibiotics and thus he should get better very quickly, and I am feeling like a really bad mother because I had no idea. No idea! Here I thought I was being calm and prudent, following the advice in my pediatrician's handbook for his cold and then his vomiting and then his fever. Instead he may have had ear infections for days.

And for the record, he never even tugged at his ears, so that's a big myth.

Remember when being sick meant you could lie around and watch TV all day? Me too. Instead I "took it easy" by napping in between trips to the doctor's office, trips to Jamba Juice (a treat for Henry and something I thought I could eat without revisiting), washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and cleaning the bathroom.

God, are all of my entries going to be this boring?

Sorry. I'll be more interesting when I'm not also trying to supress a fresh explosion of vomit.


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