Friday, May 16, 2008

Henry got a haircut today. He barely even cried. I was so proud. He looks like a bonafide Big Boy now. Or maybe again. He always looks about a year old when he gets his hair cut.

I just saw a picture of him from when he was 10 months old or so. He was such a baby! He is growing up so fast.


Today we saw a VW Golf parked near our house. Henry saw it from the back and said, “VW gone.” It took me a couple of tries, but I finally got what he was saying: the circle where the VW logo should have been on the hatchback was blank, like the insignia had fallen off. Which is not only damn good observation, but also creepy because that meant there were no identifying VW marks visible on the car. How the hell did he know it was a VW?

Smart man.


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